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Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Part 2)

Image courtesy of Collider,com
Just a quick post tonight.

I have just returned from seeing Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Part 2) and all I can say is, if you haven't seen it yet you need to get to a cinema ASAP. If you're swithering about whether to go or not, just go - you will not regret it.

I'm not going to go into the film in great detail as I don't want to spoil it for anyone but I would suggest taking some hankies with you. I cried - a lot! Having said that, this comes from the person who can cry at an advert so maybe it's just me, although I definitely wasn't the only person in the cinema blubbing into my popcorn.

The acting was, as always, brilliant! All the familiar faces were there including Dumbledore (who died in the Deathly Hallows - Part 1) and Harry's mum and dad, Neville Longbottom, Ginny, Luna. I wondered how they had felt when they were filming it; knowing that it was the last one. I do believe they had an absolute ball filming each one. However, if I were to give an award for the best actor in this film it would have to go to Alan Rickman for his portrayal of Severus Snape. I have always liked loved worshipped Professor Snape and at last you get to see the real Snape. Only now can you begin to understand why he did the things he did. Hankies out again!

The fact that this is the final film made it all the more poignant. I have loved every Harry Potter film that has been made and I will miss them however, like all good things, they have to come to an end. This has got to be the biggest and best film of them all. The special effects in this film are exceptional and had us all on the edge of our seats several times. It was made all the better by the fact that it was in 3D. Don't forget your specs on the way in. It is the final epic battle between good (Harry) and evil (Voldemort) but this is not just a couple of wizards and their sidekicks throwing spells at each other. This is much, much more. There is death (lots of it), destruction, comedy, romance and, above all, hope for the future. The film runs for just over two hours and the time flew by. Not once did my mind wander or did I find myself thinking 'get on with it' as I have done in other films. I was almost disappointed when the credits began to roll. I wanted more. I certainly didn't want that to be the end. The END.

Thank you J K Rowling for bringing us one of the greatest stories ever told.


Rori said…
Glad to hear it was good! Wish I could go see it...I loved the rest of the movies and of course the books.

I <3 Alan Rickman!!
I cannot WAIT to see it. The only reason I haven't gone this weekend is because annoyingly I am on call :-( I love Harry potter. I will be sure to walk with hankies as I am a crier/bawler!
Denise said…
Rori - I also <3 Alan Rickman and he was exceptionally good in this film. I think they have always tried to stay true to the books in all the films and that's what's made them so good.

CP - I'm sure you will love it and I'm sure it will be all the better for having to wait a week :) I recommend hankies AND waterproof mascara.
Littlewillow said…
It was an absoultely brilliant film and your summing up there did it justice :) Just can't believe it's all over now - what am I going to do with my life? lol. Could maybe start with a peitition for book 8... :)
I wish she would write something else, even if it's not Harry Potter - not that she needs to do it for the money or anything but I think she's a good writer and she obviously has an amazing imagination and I think we should all get to benefit from that.
Can't wait to see the film again! Going to IMAX 3D next time!
Denise said…
Littlewillow - it is hard to believe it's all over and yes, a petition sounds like a good idea. I've never once thought 'Right, I'm bored with Harry Potter now' the way that I do sometimes with other stories.
J K Rowling has the most incredible imagination and I really hope she comes up with something new. Have you looked at her website? It's wonderful.
Enjoy it when you go back to see the film
a second time. I'm sure there will be things that you missed the first time round as there was so much going on. I may go back again too.

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