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Showing posts from June, 2012

Keep Calm and Carry On!

So, who else has been feeling particularly patriotic over the last few weeks? I certainly have. I was glued to the TV for the whole of the weekend of The Queen's Diamond Jubilee. I stood next to one of the Olympic torch-bearers waving my Union flag as the flame was passed to him by one of the other runners and yesterday (16th June) we had Trooping the Colour to mark the Queen's birthday. I have been in my element for weeks and we've still got the 2012 Olympics to come next month!! One of the things that I am really loving is the number of products that have been appearing with the message 'Keep Calm and Carry On' and a little picture of a crown above the words. I thought it was all because of the Jubilee celebrations etc. but it appears there's a great story behind it. This is actually one of three posters which were produced by the British Government's Ministry of Information, on the eve of WWII in 1939. The other posters read 'Freedom is