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Filofax Friday - My Tomato Bloomsbury

The gorgeous Bloomsbury
Last week I explained how I planned to use three Filofaxes to keep me organised this year but it's now looking as though I might have found a way to incorporate a fourth! Yay!!

In the Filofax Germany sale last year, one of the Filofaxes I bought was a personal sized, tomato Bloomsbury. I love this Filofax and have wondered for a while how I could use it. It's a stunning colour (it really is the colour of tomatoes), it's very lightweight and it has the most amazing leather smell although it still doesn't beat my Siena. Sorry Bloomsbury!

This year, as you know, I have set myself a reading challenge; if you haven't already read about it you can read about it here.  A lovely lady called Sara commented on my reading challenge and told me that she keeps a record of all the books she has read and liked in two Domino Filofaxes. I think this is a fantastic idea and now I am going to start doing this too. It's a great way to put the Bloomsbury to use and a way of keeping track of all the books I read!

The setup is very simple. I have removed everything except the A-Z inserts and I have a sheet of ruled paper for each letter of the alphabet. I will note down the name of the author - surname first, the name of the book, the date that I finished reading it, a (B) for book or a (K) for Kindle and finally the number of stars I would give the book out of five. This will of course take up a couple of lines for each entry but that's ok. This is similar to the information that is stored on Goodreads but this way means that I will always have it to hand. 

It's taken me a while to get my head round using a Filofax as something other than a planner with a diary, address book, etc. but this is a great way of keeping information in an organised way rather than just writing it in a notebook. To me, writing things into a Filofax seems to give it a bit more importance and so I'm more likely to keep the info up to date. Thank you Sara for a great idea!

Until the next time,

Denise x


Unknown said…
Thats a great idea, one of the things I want to do is read more. As to using the a-to-z tabs I've thought of that as a general solutions... I dont know. Filofaxes seem to always be a work in progress

WellPlannedLife said…
Love this! I'm looking forward to seeing pictures once it's up and fully running. Hint, hint. ;)
Miss D said…
I do love a good reading challenge. I have a couple on the go at the moment. I am reading all of the Agatha Christie books in order, and I am also going to read War and Peace this year.

I have a book journal too, using a Filofax. I have blogged about it if you are interested (

Do you like a particular genre of book?

Good luck with your challenge!
lifeconsidered said…
Lovely, lovely Filofax! I love the idea of a book filo, but, alas, my life doesn't have room for it. I've incorporated a "to Read' section in my main filo. I list the title author and begin and end dates. I think will also steal/borrow your idea of adding a B or K for book or Kindle, since I read both. I have challenged myself to read 40 books this year.
Denise said…
Hi Tracy - I love reading but it's always difficult making time for it which is why I set myself this challenge.

You're right about Filofaxes being a work in progress. I used to read all the comments on Philofaxy and wonder why people found them so difficult but I have to admit now, the more I use them, the more I find myself looking for the perfect setup and failing miserably - it's fun trying to find it though! :-)

Hi Kanalt - I've got it up and running so pictures will follow (promise) however it has been one of those weeks and I have just realised that I haven't done yesterday's Filofax Friday so it's going to be a Filofax Sunday this week instead ;)

Hope everything is good with you.
Denise said…
Hi Nellie. Having a reading challenge is great although when you're aiming to read roughly one book per week, a year doesn't seem that long :-)

I love Agatha Christie although I haven't actually read many of her books. Maybe I should include some in the challenge. Good luck with War and Peace! I have never attempted to read it although I know I should as it's such an important piece of writing.

I will read just about anything. The only things I'm not keen on are sci-fi and spy/espionage type stories but that's not to say I would never read them.

I will head over and have a look at your blog. The fact that you're also using a Filofax as a book journal is great. They have so many uses!

Good luck with all your planned reading!

Denise said…
Hi Lifeconsidered and thanks. The Bloomsbury is a really lovely Filofax.

To be honest, if I hadn't bought that Filofax in the Filofax Germany sale for 9 euros and then felt that I ought to put it to use, I would have incorporated a 'reading' section into my every day Filofax as well.

Please feel free to steal/borrow my idea about the B and K. I hadn't thought of putting in a start date but that's a very good idea and I think I will do that now as well so thanks for that.

Good luck with your reading challenge. I don't know if you use Goodreads but it's a great way to keep track of the books in your reading challenge too. Drop in and say hi if you're over there.

Strickmuse said…
That is a great idea. I track my books in a Moleskine address book that has the A-Z tabs.
Denise said…
Thanks Susanne. It's also a great use for your Moleskin. I like the idea of tracking books just to have a record but I also find that sometimes I think a book looks good. I get it and then realise I've already read it so hopefully this will help.

Enjoy your books and moleskin :-)

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